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Science and Geography

The Primary Montessori approach to Science and Geography is an integral part of the curriculum for children aged 3 to 6 years old. This approach focuses on fostering children's innate curiosity and sense of wonder about the world around them. Through hands-on, experiential learning, children develop a deep understanding of scientific concepts and an appreciation for the Earth's diverse cultures and environments.

In Science, the Montessori curriculum introduces children to fundamental concepts across various disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, and astronomy. Children engage with activities that promote observation, exploration, and experimentation, enabling them to grasp abstract scientific principles through concrete experiences. The Montessori Science materials are designed to be self-correcting, allowing children to learn from their mistakes and develop problem-solving skills. Some examples of Science activities include:

  • Studying the life cycle of plants and animals
  • Exploring the properties of magnetism, light, and sound
  • Experimenting with the states of matter and chemical reactions
  • Observing the solar system and learning about celestial bodies
  • In Geography, the Montessori approach aims to cultivate an understanding of the Earth's physical and cultural diversity. Children are exposed to various aspects of geography, including physical geography (landforms, water bodies, and climate), human geography (cultures, languages, and traditions), and political geography (countries and continents). Montessori Geography materials provide a multisensory experience that allows children to explore the world through tactile, visual, and auditory means. Some examples of Geography activities include:

  • Working with puzzle maps to identify continents, countries, and their respective flags
  • Learning about landforms, such as mountains, valleys, and peninsulas
  • Exploring the concept of latitude and longitude using a globe
  • Studying the Earth's biomes, habitats, and ecosystems
  • Engaging with cultural artifacts, food, music, and stories from around the world
  • The Primary Montessori approach to Science and Geography aims to foster a love for learning and a sense of global citizenship. By nurturing children's curiosity and providing them with the tools to explore the world, the Montessori curriculum lays the foundation for a lifetime of discovery and appreciation for the Earth's wonders.